Square Pegs, Round Holes: October is Dyslexia Awareness Month
The journey of awakening is one of continually coming up against big challenges and then learning how to soften and open…you soften and...
The journey of awakening is one of continually coming up against big challenges and then learning how to soften and open…you soften and...
Just as unrecognized addiction issues can make therapy less effective, I strongly believe that unrecognized learning differences can make therapy a superficial experience—or...
"October is Dyslexia Awareness Month. Does your family say dyslexia? Are your school administrators using the term? Does your child’s teacher know what...
We were thrilled to hear from a member of Dyslexia Scotland who came across Read Me Differently and wrote of review about it....
We're proud to kick off Dyslexia Awareness Month with Decoding Dyslexia! Come see Read Me Differently with Q&A with filmmaker Sarah Entine, MSW....
“I bought the DVD of your wonderful documentary after watching it online last fall...
We received great feedback: "I have invited filmmaker, Sarah Entine, three times to speak to my Family Literacy class, following a viewing of her...
Can you believe the holidays are soon upon us? With Hanukkah starting the evening of December 6th, and Christmas around the corner, we...
We recently received this heartfelt letter from a viewer of Read Me Differently, who watched the film via our ongoing free streaming offer for Dyslexia...
Did you know it's Dyslexia Awareness Month? In honor of this important time of the year, we would like to invite you to...