Did you know it’s Dyslexia Awareness Month? In honor of this important time of the year, we would like to invite you to watch the award-winning documentary, Read Me Differently—for free!
For the entire month of October, you can stream this moving, insightful film through which you are bound to get a fresh perspective on how dyslexia—or any learning difference—can affect family dynamics in profound ways.
“Thank you so much for explaining the family dynamics of dyslexia and other learning differences. It was very brave of all of you. This very valuable film has done a better job of expressing the life experiences of someone with dyslexia than any I have seen.” – Shirley Tipton Clinton, MS
I made this film when I started graduate school in social work, and slowly came to understand that my challenges—at home and at school—were because I was dyslexic. As I explored why we had never really talked directly about this in our family, I realized that both my mother and my grandmother also had learning differences, which had never been acknowledged or discussed either.
The resulting film, Read Me Differently, has now been embraced by many advocates in the field and is used as a powerful lever to open up much needed discussion in families, among teachers, and with other service providers.
**** Four stars out of four! This film should be viewed and discussed in every psychiatric child or adult training program, as well as by those physicians and allied professionals who assess and treat patients with developmental disorders. The content is spontaneous, witty, insightful, and heartwarming, and accurately depicts the consequences to family dynamics when developmental disorders are among the family attributes. – Drake D. Duane, MS, MD, Director, Institute for Developmental Behavioral Neurology
This year, we launched the Read Me Differently Initiative to drive more attention to the things I’ve learned that really can make a difference for people with learning differences. I’m so proud that we have partners like the Parents Education Network and Eye to Eye and that our work is being showcased on understood.org.
If you sign up to watch Read Me Differently for free during October, I will also send you a link later this month to the new discussion guide we have put together for the film.
And you can also purchase the film on DVD at a significant discount! Just use the promotional code RMDDYS when you order and you will receive 25% off! (But be sure to order during October!)
Learn more about the film and the Read Me Differently Initiative here.
Sarah Entine, MSW
08.10.2015 at 16:56Wow! I am so thrilled that hundreds of you were able to watch the film during Dyslexia Awareness Month! Thank you so much for the outpouring of interest and support. While the month, and the free streaming, are over for now, you can still see the film buy ordering an online stream or a DVD on our “Buy Now” page. Thanks again!